Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
987 The earlier ed. of 1798 is reviewed in Monthly Magazine and American Review, 1 (1799), 119-24. Williamson probably wrote also “An Account of Captain Williamson's Establishment on Lake Ontario in North America.”
991 BRIDEL, LOUIS. Le Pour et le Contre ou avis a ceaux qui se proposent de passer dans les tats-Unis d'Amerique. Suivi d'une description du Kentucky et du Genesy, deux des nouveaux etablissemens les plus considerables de cette partie du nouveau monde. Paris: Levrault, Schoelli & Comp., 1803. Trans. by H.F. DePuy. “'Le Pour et le Contre': One of the Rarest of Books Relating to Western New York.”
985 COOPER, THOMAS. Some Information Respecting America.
982 MORRIS, ROBERT. An Account of the Soil, Growing Timber, and Other Productions, of the Lands in the Countries Situated in the Back Parts of the States of New York and Pensylvania, in North America. And Particularly the Lands in the County of Ontario, Known by the Name of the Genesee Tract. ... London: 1791. Repr. with omissions in Gilbert Imlay, A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America ..., 3d ed. London: J. Debrett, 1797. From here it was again repr. in Documentary History of the State of New-York, ed. E.B. O'Callaghan, Vol. 2, pp. 111-1125.
987 VAIL, R.W.G. The voice of the Old Frontier.
984 VAIL, ROBERT W.G. “The Lure of the Land Promoter: A Bibliographical Study of Certain New York Real Estate Rarities.”
990 VAIL, R.W.G. “A Western New York Land Prospectus,” pp. 112-26 in Bookmen's Holiday ...
983 VAN PRADELLES, BENEDICT? Reflecting offertes aux capitalistes de l'Europe, sur les benefices immences, que presente l'achat de terres incultes, situees dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique.
989 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES, Pseudonym “Robert Munro.” A View of the Present Situation of the Western Parts of the State of New-York, Called the Genesee Country ... Frederick-Town (Md.): Printed at the “Herald” Press for the author, 1804. 23 pp. 300 copies of this first ed. repr. 1892 for George P. Humphrey, Rochester. Repr. again 1939 by Monroe County Division of Regional Planning, Rochester. 17 pp., mimeograph. 4th ed. has only minor changes in text, but is called A Description of the Genesee Country, in the State of New-York ...
988 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. Observations on the Proposed State Road, from Hudson's River, near the City of Hudson, to Lake Erie, by the Oleout, Catherine's, Bath, and Gray's Settlement, on the Western Bounds of Steuben County.
986 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. Description of the Genesee Country, Its Rapidly Progressive Population and Improvements: In a Series of Letters from a Gentleman to His Friend.

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